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    • 积分2096
    • 经验38133
    • 文章1814
    • 注册2005-09-10
        曾志刚简介:男,籍贯湖北省崇阳县,1971年6月16日出生。 1989年9月-1993年7月在湖北师范学院数学系学习,获理学学士学位。1993年9月-1996年7月 在湖北师范学院学习,获理学硕士学位。 1996年7月至今在湖北师范学院数学系工作.2000年9月-2003年6月在华中科技大学控制科学与工程系学习, 获系统分析与集成理学博士学位。2003年8月至今在中国科学院合肥智能机械研究所从事博士后研究工作。



    Zhigang Zeng; D.S.Huang, Zengfu Wang, “Memory pattern analysis of cellular neural networks,” Physics Letters A, vol.342, nos.1-2, 114–128, 2005 (SCI).

    Zhigang Zeng;D.S.Huang, Zengfu Wang, “Global stability of a general class of discrete-time recurrent neural networks," Neural Processing Letters, vol.22, no.1, pp.33-47, 2005 (SCI, EI).
    Zhi-Gang Zeng, D.S.Huang and Zeng-Fu Wang, "Global convergence of steepest descent for quadratic functions," Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3177: 672-677, Springer-Verlag, 2004(SCI).
    Zhi-Gang Zeng, De-Shuang Huang and Zeng-Fu Wang, “Pattern recognition based on stability of discrete-time cellular neural networks,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3173: 1008 - 1014, Springer-Verlag, 2004 .
    Zhi-Gang Zeng, De-Shuang Huang and Zeng-Fu Wang, “Stability analysis of discrete-time cellular neural network,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3173: 114 - 119, Springer-Verlag, 2004.
    Zhi-Gang Zeng, Jun Wang and Xiaoxin Liao, “Global exponential stability of neural networks with time-varying delays,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, Vol.50, No.10, pp.1353-1358, 2003 (SCI, EI).
    Zhi-Gang Zeng and Xiaoxin Liao, “Stability of neural networks with time-varying delays,” DCDIS Proceedings 1, pp.340-345, 2003.


    曾志刚, 廖晓昕, “具两个时滞项的微分方程的稳定性,” 《应用数学学报》, (已录用)
    曾志刚, 廖晓昕, “变时滞HIV梯度传染模型的指数稳定性,” 《数学的实践与认识》, (已录用).

    曾志刚, 廖晓昕, “具输入信号的非线性系统的稳定性,” 《控制理论与应用》, Vol.20, No.4, pp. 633-636, 2003.
    曾志刚, 廖晓昕, “技术扩散现象的指数稳定性,” 《系统工程》, Vol.21, No.3, pp. 122-126, 2003.

    Zhi-Gang Zeng, Chaojin Fu and Xiaoxin Liao, “Stability analysis of neural networks with infinite time-varying delay,” Journal of Mathematics,Vol.22, No.4, pp. 391-396, 2002.
    Zhi-Gang Zeng, Chaojin Fu and Xiaoxin Liao, “A delay differential inequality and its applications,” Annals of Differential Equations, Vol.18, No.4, pp. 425-430, 2002.
    曾志刚, 傅朝金, 廖晓昕, “时变线性系统特征根判稳的推广,” 《应用数学》, Vol.15, No.2, pp. 89-92, 2002.
    曾志刚, 廖晓昕, “解线性变分不等式问题的神经网络方法,” 《华中科技大学学报》, Vol.30, No.12, pp. 18-20, 2002 (EI).

    曾志刚, “Volterra 积分微分方程的稳定性,” 《数学物理学报》, Vol.21, No.1, pp. 48-54, 2001.
    曾志刚, “一类平面非线性系统无闭轨的充分条件,” 《数学研究与评论》, Vol.21, No.3, pp. 394-398, 2001.

    曾志刚, “非自治系统渐近稳定的充分条件,” 《数学的实践与认识》, Vol.30, No.2, pp. 240-244, 2000.

    Zhi-Gang Zeng, “Ecological stability of model of n-dimension competition in the chemostat with instantaneous and delayed nutrient recycling,” Journal of Biomathematics, Vol.13, No.5, pp. 573-578, 1998.

    曾志刚, 李必文, “n维时滞 Prajneshu 生态系统的区间生态稳定,” 《纯粹数学与应用数学》, Vol.13, No.2, pp. 55-58, 1997.


    Zhigang Zeng, Zengfu Wang and D.S.Huang, "Global exponential stability of delayed Cohen-Grossberg neural networks," The 8th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV2004), December 6-9, 2004, Kun Ming, China,
    Zhigang Zeng and D.S.Huang, "Pattern memory and acquisition based on stability of cellular neural networks," The 2004 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN2004), Budapest Hungary, July 25-29, 2004, pp.943-947(EI, ISTP).
    Zhi-Gang Zeng, D.S Huang, “Practical Stability Criteria for Cellular Neural Networks Described by A Template,” The 5th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA04), June 14-18, 2004, Hangzhou, China,pp.160-162.


    曾志刚, 廖晓昕, 黄德双, “输入向量控制细胞神经网络全局指数稳定,” 中国智能自动化会议(CIAC’2003)论文集, 中国.香港, 2003年12月15-17号, pp.141-145.

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